OLIVIA Steer boasts a wide range of accolades both on the track and in cross-country. The youngster has won numerous county titles and others in the Southwest as well as placing highly on a national level.

She is from Devon and has been running since the age of seven. What began as a hobby in junior park runs quickly became a serious pursuit of dreams and a discovery of her talent.

Her latest outing, after winning at the South West of England Championships by a whopping 15 seconds, came in Birmingham at the English Schools Championships. On her travels, she won the 1500m heat with a 5-second personal best and was also the fastest qualifier.

This form carried on into the final on Saturday 13 where Olivia finished second and achieved another PB. It is even more exciting as this means that she has now been selected to run for England in the SIAB International Schools Championships in Wales on the coming weekend.

The 6-time 1500m Devon Champion is continuing to shine up and down the country so the opportunity to represent her country is a reward for all of the hard-work.

If anyone would like to donate to help Olivia and her family fund her dreams then follow this link: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/oliviasteerrunsx#start. You can also keep up with her progress on Facebook, “@oliviasteerruns.x”.