THE highlight of the Dartmouth golfing week was Joint Captains’ Day on Saturday 22.

On this day, Men’s Captain Rob Isaacs-Berry, Lady Captain Chris Mayer and Seniors’ Captain Dave Sparks do all the work to ensure the members have a great golfing day, with prizes and refreshments available to many.

Paul Brown led the way in the men’s category on the day ahead of Tim Enticknap and Andy Dix.

The ladies’ section was won by Shelley Durrans with Karen Oldrieve and Mary Thompson closing out the podium, and lastly, John Oldrieve was the standout senior. He finished first, Brian Mushens was second and then Jeremy Enticknap was third.

Jan Brooking and Jon Dingle were nearest the pin in two shots and it was Karen Oldrieve and Paul Marels who were nearest in one.

Shelley Durrans boasted the women’s longest drive and it was Lee Marels who prevailed for the men.

Marilyn Lucas was the winner of the famed shortest drive on hole 17, her tip being to grip down on a pitching wedge and penultimately, there were four twos for Lew Easter, Gordon Kidd, Paul Marels and John Oldrieve.

There was also a prize draw for a golf lesson with Stuart Barrett, Roger Bell winning this.

In other competitions this week, Chris Mayer took the honours in the Isabella Trophy Medal, with Chris Aresti in second and Jules Vincent in third.

Matt Handley, Robin Steer and John Taylor were the top three in the Men’s Medal Division One, whilst David Thompson, Paul Durrant and Lew Easter stood on the podium in Division Two.