THURLESTONE’s Sheelah Creasy ladies’ team were presented with ideal weather and a perfect course at Dainton Park on Monday June 17.

One of the opposition, who played a ‘golden ferret’ (the ball coming straight out of a bunker and slam dunking into the hole), commented that although she had won her match, the results did not reflect the standard of her partner’s golf.

Diane Baker won her singles match 3&2 whilst Nikki Smith and Sheila Fairley won their greensomes match handsomely 7&6, but sadly, other results swung in favour of the home team and Dainton won three matches to two.

Fast forward to Wednesday and 36 ladies took part in an 18-hole Stableford Competition, with the Jennifer Yeo Memorial Rose Bowl up for grabs.

It was another bright day with some wind and Claire Guard came out on top, winning the Rose Bowl with a total of 36 points.

Nikki Smith scored 35 points and came second, ahead of third-placed Julia Dorey only on countback.

There was also a nine-hole competition on Wednesday and eight ladies entered and enjoyed the competition. The winner was Gill Durden with 16 points, from Jo Crispin with 13 points.

Winner of the Jennifer Yeo memorial Rose Bowl, Claire Guard
Winner of the Jennifer Yeo memorial Rose Bowl, Claire Guard (Contributed)

Having selected the Devon Air Ambulance Trust as their Captains' Joint Charity for 2024, Pam Adams and Jim Stewart then had to decide how to involve members and keep them entertained at the same time, whilst hopefully raising some funds.

Pam and Jim also share a passion for singing, and both are members of local choruses.

Pam sings with the Salcombe Larks and Jim sings with the Kingsmen Harmony Chorus, so what better than a Summer Sing-out with both choruses, great food from the catering team and a fundraiser for good measure.

Tickets sold like hot cakes and the clubhouse was at full capacity, there was standing room only and it was reserved for the singers. The evening was a bright and cheerful affair.

Decked out in colourful summer T-shirts and Hawaiian beach shirts, the Larks and the Kingsmen made up for the rain and grey clouds outside. The repertoire of the choruses complimented each other with a mix of Simon and Garfunkel, The Beatles, Elton John, The Drifters, Neil Diamond and many more.

The evening concluded with sessions from both choruses, an audience rendition of Swing Low and When the Saints, followed by the anthem Sweet Caroline. Special mention for Chris Jones, his Liverpool scarf and his participation in You'll Never Walk Alone.

So, it was a great evening's entertainment, a lot of fun was had, the food was great, the clubhouse was buzzing and full to the brim, and nearly £500 was for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust!

Thanks go out to everyone who helped organise, run and attend the event, helping make it such an enjoyable night.