Children at Harbertonford Primary School learned more about the role the police play in our society when they had a visit from PC Mat Burns.

PC Burns, who had previously worked at the school as a Teaching Assistant, came in to talk to the children about his role as part of the school’s ongoing programme to teach the children about British values.

He visited all the classes and talked about how the police are there to help people.

He checked that all the children knew how to call for help if they needed it and knew what information they needed to provide if they called 999.

He also showed them the equipment he carried, both personally and in his official car, explaining why each piece was important.

Headteacher, Anne Burns, said: “It was lovely to welcome PC Burns back to the school.

“Building relationships between young people and the police is very important and Mat was great at explaining how the police were there to help and support.

“Perhaps one of the most important things he said to the children was that, whilst he had a baton and pepper spray as part of his equipment, the most powerful impact the police have is through words and talking things through.

“This was such an important message for the children to hear.

“We are so grateful that he made the time to visit us after a night shift and his old class were particularly excited to see him again.”