Police are appealing for witnesses after a pharmacy and a supermarket were broken into in Brixham and Paignton this week.

Police were called in the early hours of the morning, at around 1.25am, on Wednesday (June 19) after suspects burgled a pharmacy in Churchill Court, Brixham.

A man was reported fleeing the scene with a quantity of drugs and after causing damage to the premises.

Just hours later, police received another call at around 5.15am stating that a supermarket at Borough Close, Paignton, had also been burgled.

Three males are believed to have entered the store and taken cigarettes and alcohol before leaving the scene.

An investigation has been launched by South Devon detectives, and anyone with information should contact the police on 101 or via the force’s website, quoting log 113 of 19 June for the Paignton incident and log 51 of the same date for Brixham.