Aveton Gifford

Rosie Warrillow | 07779 290653 or email [email protected]  Summer is underway and it's nice to have some of the uusal events being prepared for.

In this month's Magpie magazine there is an entry form for the village show. This will be held in the village hall on Saturday August 3rd in the village hall. What is needed is of course entries!

There are many classes including some for the primary school children,including making a creature out of recycled materials! The adult classes include almost anything that you can grow, including houseplants,mixed cut flowers and all manor of veg. Get growing everyone, it's a great little show and evryone can join in!

The Chuch and village Fete will take place on Saturday July 13th, starting at 2pm As always help will be required to set up the stalls etc and Grand Draw tickets are now available from the church treasurer Mrs Jo Smith, or at the services in church donations of books, raffle prizes can be made to church members or on the day.

I feel we must mention the swimming team of our primary school. The children travelled with teachers Mrs Drew and Mrs Nayor to compete at the Southwest Regional Swimming qualifier recently. Lara, Jasper, Eliza, Poppy, Kira, Hazel, Billy and Charlie C proudly represented the school as they swam in team events racing againgst several schools from across the region.

All the children swam brilliantly. Both relays were very close at the finish line. In spite of such sterling efforts our youngsters were pipped to the post and sadly didn't make the national finals in Newcastle. So well done to our budding swimming stars you made a terrific effort. Keep up the good work!

St Andrews will have a Sunday Worship service this Sunday starting at 11am, everyone is welcome to attend and refreshments will be served after the service. The service will be led by Reader Mr Gill Snook.

Cornwood and Lutton

Kit Manning | [email protected]

Our Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Village Hall on 21st May; this was an opportunity for Councillors to inform local residents about their year’s work and for any subsequent issues to be raised. It would seem that people here must be very satisfied indeed with the work of their Parish Councillors, as there were only eight attendees and these included District Councillor, Chris Oram. The meeting was Chaired by Preston de Mendonca who called upon individual colleagues to report on the progress of various projects. These included the replacement of equipment in the Play Parks in both Cornwood and Lutton; the care of the Public Toilets in Cornwood Square; the need for the annual Parish Litter Pick and of particular interest - the recently purchased, mobile Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS).

For some time, the speed with which many vehicles travel through our two Villages has been of great concern to residents. Despite 20mph roundels and signs, many drivers far exceed the speed limits, so the Parish Council invested in a VAS which, for the past couple of months, has been situated in Cornwood Square. Data collected shows that it is having the desired effect, with the majority of vehicles now adhering to the speed limit. The sign is mobile so the plan is to move it from time to time (situations to be approved by Devon Highways); shortly it will be moved to a position in Lutton. The possible purchase of a second sign was discussed at the meeting, with those present in support of such a move, if further evidence shows it to be an expedient use of funds.

At the beginning of April, the Parish Council instigated an exploratory meeting to gauge the amount of interest in the possibility of re-opening a Shop here in Cornwood. As a result of that initial meeting, eight volunteers formed a group to look into the viability (or otherwise) of the various ideas and suggestions put forward at the meeting. Now, the group has moved quickly to formulate and circulate a short questionnaire which has been distributed to all local households. The information collected as a result of the questionnaires will help inform the Group’s direction going forwards.

Cornwood celebrated the late, May bank holiday Monday with a community ramble - a Cornwood Stomp! There was a choice of two routes; the first, a gentle, family friendly stroll which could be undertaken at any time from 11am onwards (maps provided) and a longer, rather more strenuous walk of about 8 km, led by Sam Tilley, which started from the Cornwood Inn at 10:30am. Both of the walks ended at the Pub where a BBQ had been laid on and drinks were available (usually the Pub is closed on Mondays.) All in all, a very pleasant way to spend a bank holiday Monday and the weather was kind too.


News from the Blackawton Beacon | [email protected]

Church fête: Advance warning from the Church Fête, which will be on Saturday 13th July. Plants are needed for the plant stall! Do you have any spare plants, perennials you have divided or seedlings you have grown? Please bring them along to Fig Tree Cottage on Saturday morning or telephone Jane Gimpel if you need them collected. Plants of all shapes, sizes, colours and varieties will be gratefully received.

Anyone for tennis? We have a fantastic tennis court in the village, next to the Village Hall. Why not sign up to come and use it? The annual membership fee is £40 per family, with all proceeds going to the upkeep of the court and the village Playpark. For this you get access to our online booking system and the code for the padlock to gain entry to the court, so no disappointment of finding the court being used when you go down to use it! If you would like to play, please email Tony Stevens at [email protected]. It is a wonderful village facility, so please don't hesitate if you are interested. Chillington

The Chillington Villiage Hall and Community Association will hold another History in the Hall presentation on Saturday, June 22 at 10 am

The CCA will also hold its Annual General Meeting from 9 am to 9.45 am before the History presentation. Please come and support us see what we do, and have your say.

The History in Chillington Hall presentation will begin at 10 am and run till noon and will be on 'The ultimate history of Frogmore'.

Entry is free.

Teas, coffee and biscuits are available.

Seats are on a first come first serve basis.