Kingsbridge Estuary Bridge Club
Results. Friday 31st May: North/South - 1. Chris Adams & Bill Young, 2. Chris Hourahane & Dawn St Pier, 3. Ann Cripps & Maggie Stewart. East/West - 1. Judy Ingram & Pauline Rainsbury, 2. Rosemary Caddy & Jill Porter, 3. Marilyn Cater & Alison Daniel.
Blackawton WI
April was our Annual Meeting, where a round-up of the year's activities are given and the new committee for the following year are elected. There was no change in the officers, so that didn't take long! We finished the meeting with a hard-fought quiz and a set of anagrams. These really got the old grey matter working, well done to all who came and took part.
A couple of weeks ago we held a cake stall out in the field for Wormcharming. Many thanks go to those who made cakes and helped on the day and to all those who came and bought. It was great to be out in the field and actually see the worm charming and dog show taking place, as we are usually in the hall and don't see the fun being had. We hope to do the same next year.
More blankets have been knitted by the craft group and passed on to go to Ukraine to help them in the war effort. It is something we all enjoy doing and hopefully helps a little bit. Our June meeting will, once again, be held at Sportsmans Arms at 10.30 on June 19th. Our speaker is Charlotte Bacon from SWW, which could be interesting in light of the recent problems in Brixham! Our Blackawton Beacon June 2024 page 3 of 14 competition is for 'A decorative drinking glass', as well as the usual Bloom of the Month.
So, if you would like to know more about WI, please come along on the day. You will be very welcome, but if you would like more information, please call Sandra on 01803 712622 or Sue on 01803 712145.
Lee Moor Bowling
Lee Moor has a new addition to its recreational options. The Lee Moor Bowls Club has just begun.
They meet every Friday evening at 6pm on the green.
To find out more you can contact Kay on 07977 769661.
The sport is thought to date back to Egypt, 5000 years ago.
Cornwood Tennis
Cornwood & Lutton Tennis Club are holding their AGM on Thursday June 13 at 7.30pm in the Cornwood Inn.
Family membership is £5.
The club is also trying to gauge how many individuals and families will use the court and is inviting people to contact the Committee Chair at: [email protected]
Dartmouth and District Friends Group
On Saturday 29th June, Dartmouth & District Friends Group will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of their art and craft event in aid of Children’s Hospice South West. Dart Art Day promises to be another lovely occasion to celebrate and support this incredible charity. The aim is to raise as much money as possible to help the charity to make the most of the short and precious lives of children not likely to reach adulthood – last year it raised over £3,300.
As well as 22 artists and craft workers in their gazebos with arts and crafts galore, there will be a range of musical entertainment, balloon sculptures, CHSW tombolas, as well as teas, homemade cakes, cream teas and sandwiches provided by Children’s Hospice volunteers and supporters. This event is an important fundraiser for Children’s Hospice South West to help the charity to continue to provide essential specialist care and support for over 550 families with life-limited children in the South West.
The CHSW Dartmouth & District Friends Group meets monthly to organise events locally to raise money and awareness.