THURLESTONE Tennis Club hosted their annual Wimbledon event recently and the affectionally named Wimblestone tournament, organised by Janet Richardson, boasted two groups of four mixed pairs.

There were some excellent mixed doubles played in both groups with Roger Brownill providing his entertaining spin and guile.

In Group A, David Horne and Linda Willmott scored a total of 15 games but the runaway winners were Roger Tweedale and Julie Hanham, with 19 games. They received a Wimbledon-coloured plant as their hard-earned prize.

In Group B meanwhile, David Dodds and Jessie Doyle came second with 13 games, behind the victorious duo of Rob Dowie and Mary Swan who won 16 games. Their prize was the hastily gathered grips and socks.

Roger and Julie are pictured with their plants and congratulations go out to all that took part.