THREE students from East Allington’s Chi Rei Kai Shotokan Karate Dojo took their test under the Chief Instructor on Sunday June 9.

Ash Hawkes (sixth Dan), Jay Hawkes (fifth Dan) and Sally Hawkes (third Dan) were assisted by club instructors Mary Egginton, Eddie Sliwinski and Charlotte Hawkes.

Charleton Village Hall was the venue and the day began with a black and brown belt course for the organisation's senior grades. The black belts were instructed by Ash Sensei who took the group through a high-level Kata (form) with application of self-defence throughout. Jay Sensei took the brown belt group who worked through aspects of the 1st Dan (black belt) syllabus.

Then, the three teenage black belt candidates, Joshua Yalland, Jacob Brooker and Ruby Turner, had a short break before testing. They were put through their basic techniques, fighting drills and Kata, before concluding their grading with a ceremonial board break. All three passed and are now proud recipients of their Shodan grades (Black Belt).

Charlotte Hawkes, Ruby Turner, Jacob Brooker, Joshua Yalland, Mary Egginton
Charlotte Hawkes, Ruby Turner, Jacob Brooker, Joshua Yalland, Mary Egginton (Contributed)

Ash Sensei said “It was exciting to see their efforts during the examination. I am very proud that our legacy continues with another generation of Black Belt students going forward.”

Jay Sensei meanwhile, commented “It is important to scrutinize each candidate on their projection of their own path of development rather than comparing to one another. Karate is for all and by that measure, the candidate should be tested on their own ability, demonstrating good technique but more importantly they must adopt the right attitude.”

Charlotte Sensei, who runs the East Allington Dojo alongside Mary Sensei said, “I am so proud of all the hard work the three put into preparing for this grading. Each of them has been training for over 8 years and have developed well-rounded Karate and more importantly, a respectful and honourable attitude towards others. They are great role models and will continue to be so as they progress in their Karate journey”.

Lastly, Sally Sensei said “Karate is not easy. It takes commitment and dedication to achieve. Having said that as long as the student keeps trying a Black is achievable. These children have grown both in stature and in their martial endeavours and present as well-rounded and very accomplished young people, I am very, very proud.”

Chi Rei Kai Shotokan Karate operate in Kingsbridge, Stokenham, East Allington, Malborough and Ivybridge throughout the week. The 12 instructors have a wealth of knowledge and are all insured and DBS-checked. The organisation have stringent safeguarding practices and both Ash and Jay are honoured to be members of the International Shotokan Karate-Do Shihankai, which stands to ensure that quality rank is earned throughout the world.

If you are interested in trying Karate, the group offer a free trial session. If you would like more information, email [email protected] or visit the website