AT THURLESTONE Golf Club on Wednesday, the ladies’ competition format was called Rainbow tees, played off of the four different coloured tees.

This took place in teams of three with two scores to count, and 83 points was the winning total. Teresa Davies (21), Nikki Smith (25) and Mary Swan (16) were the triumvirate to claim top place ahead of Janice Croke (20), Judith Lungmuss (20) and Jane Mahood (24), who amassed 77 points.

In third place were Bridget Lafferty (10), Sue Lennox (21) and Helen Britton (25) with 75 points and there was only one birdie two, scored on the third hole by Tess Brownill.

Meanwhile, a strong team from Honiton visited Thurlestone on Monday in the penultimate match of the 2024 ladies’ Devon League campaign.

The course was playing long and gusty with beautiful sunshine and summer temperatures so everyone thoroughly enjoyed playing a close match. It was a great pleasure for all to play in the team with such enthusiastic ladies and our opponents were in similar spirits.

Unfortunately for Thurlestone, Honiton came out on top and in this league, away wins count for more than home wins, compounding the defeat. The overall points score was 10.5-5 in favour of the visitors and now just one fixture remains, at Saunton on August 23. That will be an exciting but long day out for the six brave ladies!

Elsewhere at Churston, the ladies’ President’s team played in the quarterfinals against Okehampton on Friday August 16.

Thurlestone may have lost 5-2 but the whole team battled well in the face of defeat.

Pam Adams, the Ladies’ Captain, would like to thank the whole President’s squad for playing and supporting the team this year. Reaching the quarterfinals was a great success and the team now look forward to going even further in 2025. Thank you also to the caddies who endured the 7am start!

Lastly, there were 66 TGC members taking part in the Mixed Stableford on Sunday and they were greeted by lovely weather with a cooling wind.

Wayne Neale (21) prevailed in the men’s competition with a very impressive 45 points, ahead of Robert Hyde (17) and junior member Jacob Brooker (21), both of whom scored 42pts.

Ruth Downing (22) was the one to beat in the women’s competition, the closest challenger to her 41 points being 38 from Judith Lungmuss (23). There were eight birdie twos scored in this one.