THEY say the sun shines on the righteous and when you are raising funds for such a worthwhile cause as Prostate Cancer UK, then you must be doing something good … 

And so, on Kingsbridge Estuary Rotary Club’s 30th annual Charity Golf Day, the sun did indeed shine; the greens ran (perhaps a little too quickly for some!) and a thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all. 

Thurlestone Golf Club, who have generously hosted this event for several years now, not only presented everyone with a course in excellent condition but ensured that everyone was fed and watered wonderfully. This is no mean feat with 108 players arriving over several hours at the 19th hole, plus the many helpers and supporters without whom this day would not be possible. 

Amongst the players was, of course, the special guest, TV sports presenter Steve Rider. He not only ‘captained’ his own team with representatives from each of the main sponsors – Thurlestone Hotel and Sabre Insurance – but proved to be a most entertaining and informative ambassador for the chosen charity and more than happy to accept a cheque for £9,000 from the day. 

The competition was played as a full handicap 3-ball Stableford, with the best two scores to count at each hole and with results ranging from low-50s to mid-90s. The immaculately prepared greens clearly proved challenging but on a beautiful sunny day, with what must be one of the best backdrops to any course, and in the knowledge you are helping support Prostate Cancer UK, it was the pleasure of taking part which mattered more than who came where on the leaderboard. However, interestingly this year’s champion team, Malborough’s Finest, also won last year and with an identical score! 

This event can only happen with the unstinting support of all of the sponsors; the donors of an incredible range of prizes for both the raffle and star auction; and the physical help of so many, both on the course and off.  Players come from far afield to be part of this special day and as a club, their contributions are never taken for granted but, hopefully, the exercise can continue to be repeated, year after year, raising even more funds for a range of excellent causes. 

Always played in May, so why not join us next year?  Drop us a line with your details and we will ensure you are on the mailing list for invitations. 

Report courtesy of KERC President Amanda Bloomer.

Pictured from left to right: Steve Rider (Ambassador for Prostate Cancer UK), Amanda Bloomer (KERC President), Peter Barnwell (KERC Treasurer), Jim Stewart (Thurlestone Golf Club Men’s Captain) and Beverley Harman (KERC Secretary).