THE scores were close in all of the competitions at Dartmouth Golf Club this week.

First up was the Ladies’ Stableford, where Jan Cousins edged first place with 37 points, ahead of Jan Brooking on 36 and Mary Thompson on 35.

Midweek, the men were enjoying the challenge of alternate red, white and blue tees in a fun Stableford. Count back was needed to separate the top three with all finishing on 35. John Garner’s par on the 16th ensured that he took first place, with Nigel Osborne in second and Phil Brooking third.

The weekend Mixed Stableford saw some excellent scores, particularly in Division Two.

Andy Birss won Divison One with 39 points, one ahead of both Edd Mitchell and Rob Penfold.

42 points was the tally accrued by Bobby Wotton and Johhny Plumbe, the former winning on countback, whilst Rob Knight was third on 41.