STOKE Gabriel’s season is in danger of fizzling out into an also-ran finish after a seven-wicket defeat by Budleigh Salterton left them even further behind in the B Division promotion race.

Stoke were rarely out of the top two in the first half of the season. As recently as round 12 they were second.

Three successive defeats – Cullompton and Bideford came before Budleigh – have left Stoke a long way back in third. The 24 points between the Villagers and second-placed Cullompton may not seem like a lot, but to narrow the gap Stoke have to start winning again – and Cully need to keep losing!

Form batter Max Mejzner and Marc Troman (58no) put on 120 for the second wicket to speed Budleigh towards victory.

Ed Doble (50) and Troman added another 66 for the third wicket, which left skipper Lloyd Murrin (11no) to finish the job.

Since Mejzner returned to the side midway through the season he has scored 224 runs in seven trips to the middle and is averaging a fraction below 75.

Stoke’s total of 217 for nine owed a lot to the hard work of top three batters Jack Tolley, Justin Pringle and Abhishek Anand.

Tolley (55) and Pringle (37) gave Stoke a 69-run entrée, Tolley added 54 more with Anand, who went on to make 71 before he was the last man out on 211.

Luke Domaschenz (3-14) and Joel Murphy (3-30) were Budleigh’s main wicket takers. Doble’s two for 38 included dangerman Pringle before he really got into his stride.

Jake Robinson, the Stoke Gabriel captain, said considering the misfortunes the side had to contend with, the result was respectable.

“Budleigh batted well and it was a tough ask to throw the ball to some of the guys who haven't bowled that much on that pitch against set batsman who were hitting it well.”

This was the case due to early injuries suffered by Robinson himself and Isaac Withington.