KINGSBRIDGE Park were largely successful in their mixed-friendly fixtures throughout the 2024 season.

Winning 10 out of 12 represents a very good record, particularly when you consider that five of those victories came away from home.

The two defeats were at the hands of Stoke Fleming and Totnes whilst the most noteworthy win came away at the latter, reaching three figures in a 104-78 result away at Totnes.

In the men’s matches, Totnes were the adversaries once again, losing 36-57 to them in the Foxlands and 1-4 in the Top Club competition.

Moving on to the MDL matches where there was quite the mixed bag, earning a positive record overall.

Kingsbridge accrued 14 league points in clashes with Totnes at home and twice against Paignton Torbay whereas their lowest return was just two points in a defeat at Chudleigh. They totalled 125 points and this tally was enough for them to secure top spot- a delighted group of Division Two champions!

On the ladies' side of things and after being promoted they started off well, beating Division One champions City Bus in a playoff match and twice in the League. Next though, their form seemed to fall away but they managed to avoid being relegated.

Saturday, September 21 was the date for the final bowls drive and Captain’s Day too, a good many members attending, having a great time and helping raise £90 towards this year’s charity, SMILE.

Many thanks must go to the president, captains, and committee for this year's success.