For the past 63 years the South Hams Society has been working to protect the natural landscape and the built character of the South Hams, and in particular what was once the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, since rechristened as the South Devon National Landscape.
Throughout that period members, some more active than others have come and gone. But, regardless of their level of involvement, all have been volunteers, giving freely of their time and skills.
And as those who have read our Newsletters or visited our website will know, the Society has achieved some notable successes over the years, safeguarding trees, protecting our environment and opposing inappropriate development.
More recently much of the work has fallen on our eight-member Committee, with the invaluable support of a small number of others.
However at the Society’s AGM, being held in the Council Chamber at Follaton House on Thursday 24 April, no fewer than four of the Committee are to stand down, and it is crucial replacements for three of them are found.
Fortunately following recent appeals a new Treasurer has already come forward. Yet such key roles as Events Lead – responsible for organising our events and our presence at a number of shows every summer, Membership Secretary – keeping membership details up to date, and Chair – responsible for co-ordinating the Society’s activities and chairing the Committee, have still to be filled.
And unless volunteers come forward the ability of those that remain – our Planning, Environment and Trees Leads, together with our Secretary and Archivist and our Treasurer – to continue to function so effectively will inevitably be curtailed.
Separately the Society will also need help going forward to update its website and Facebook pages and produce its quarterly Newsletter, functions which in recent years have also been undertaken by our Chair.
Similarly each of our individual Committee members will also very much welcome whatever assistance, no matter how little, you think you might be able to offer.
The combination of local government reorganisation, changes to planning targets and legislation, the government’s proposed land use strategy, net zero and a government set on growth at any cost are certain to impact on us all here in the South Hams, and not necessarily for the better.
All are issues the Society has and hopes to continue to address. But help is desperately needed. And none of us can rely on somebody else coming forward.
No matter how much or how little time you think you may be able to give, and if you think you can help in any way at all, please email [email protected] and we will get back to you by return.
In very many respects the Society is thriving. Membership numbers have increased by more than 70% in the past few years. But without more help that momentum is in danger of being lost. And the future of the Society itself could be threatened.