As October tiptoes onwards, the children have returned to school, most of our visiting tourists have returned home and once again, our roads, beaches and countryside are quiet. Now, there is time to take a breath.

On Monday, it was World Mental Health Day, and mental health at a time, for some people, of increased financial worries is incredibly important. Therefore, in this edition, I would like to share with you what our district has to offer when the trees begin to change colour, and the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. The leaves begin to fall from the trees and show their glorious autumnal colours and the birds flock together to begin their journeys for warmer climates. If you are a dog lover, you can now enjoy again walking them on most of our beaches as the dog bans lift for the autumn and winter seasons.

Wrapped up warm, those long walks whether on the beach, parks or countryside with our beautiful views are food for the soul and really help to calm the mind. Time with family or friends to talk and find solutions for difficulties or simply just to chat and laugh together, is helpful when things can seem overwhelming.

If you need help with your mental health and you are experiencing difficulties coping, please talk to someone. You can find details on who you can go to on our Support Directory under Mental Health or of course visit your own doctor.

Did you know that there are often free offers or discounted days out for local residents at this time of year for attractions in the area? There have been a few pop up recently so it is worth keeping an eye open on local attractions’ websites for what they may have planned.

Not many people realise that one of our functions, as a Council is to provide a signposting service to other agencies and organisations who can also provide help. We have been doing lots of research into how we can help you and we have found out lots of pockets of support that we can point you towards. We are doing the hard work searching out offers and discounts for you, so you do not have to.

Here are just a few of the cost-saving tips we can help you with on our Support Directory.

• Did you know that if you are eligible, you could get help to pay for your broadband or phone services?

• On Stagecoach buses, if you are a pensioner or you have a disability and are eligible for their disability bus pass, you can travel free! Jobseekers can also get half-price tickets with a Jobcentre Plus travel card for half price single and return tickets.

• Are you worried about paying your water bill, on top of everything else? If you are on benefits, you can apply to South West Water for a lower bill on their WaterSure or WaterCare tariffs.

It really is worth taking a look at. You can find our Support Directory here: Please do let your friends and neighbours know about the support directory.