Low-income families in Devon who qualify for benefit-related school meals should have started receiving vouchers to help over the school holidays.

Devon County Council have sent £105 worth of supermarket vouchers to those families who qualify to help out over the upcoming May half-term and summer holidays.

According to the council, this is the equivalent of £15 per child per week of the school holidays and is being distributed in one lump sum now to allow families some flexibility on how they spend the vouchers and to try and help with the additional pressure the long summer holiday puts on household budgets.

A spokesperson for DCC said: "The expiry date for the voucher code has also been extended from the usual three months to six months. They can be redeemed in major supermarkets across Devon and arrangements are in place for families who cannot get to a supermarket.

If you were expecting to receive the vouchers, but didn’t, get in touch with our team as soon as possible by emailing [email protected] or calling 0345 155 1019. "

The spokesperson for DCC added: "People’s circumstances change all the time, so if you didn’t previously qualify for free school meals but your income has recently reduced or stopped, please apply using our website. It’s the quickest and easiest way for your eligibility to be assessed and you will get an instant decision."

To apply for the free school meals vouchers visit: https://www.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/school-information/school-meals/