Rev John Fairweather-Tall, of Portway Close, Elburton, writes: Di Riley's witty letter-poem reminding visitors to South Milton that 'There's really no need to travel at speed...' parallels a similar one for another place in the South Hams, although expressed in more prosaic terms. Headed 'Speed limit', it reads: 'Residents of Salcombe are asked to sign a petition to Devon County Council urging them to make a by-law to limit the speed of motor vehicles using Cliff Road and Fore Street. The petition can be signed at Mr Greener's, Tobacconist, Fore Street, Salcombe.' Before engaging in a search for such a shop (fruitless), would-be signatories should take note that the report appeared in the Gazette of October 3, 1924. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, it would seem (the more things change, the more they stay the same).