The 2023 Poppy Appeal has been a great success raising over £11,000. Thanks to all. The Poppy Shop was again accommodated by the Methodist Church.

The local Air and Army Cadets were this year accompanied by members of the Rotary Club during their Street collections and their support was very much appreciated. George Seagar-Berry and Steve Spencer vied again for top Street collector, raising over £2,000 between them. George has been collecting for the Poppy Appeal for the last 57 years – an incredible length of service and a well-known figure in Totnes High Street during poppy time.

Three very successful Craft Fairs were held in the Methodist Church on October 28, and November 4 and 11, where a wide range of crafters and artists gathered to support the cause. The Poppy Pop Up Café was busy all day selling an outrageous number of bacon baps! All the local schools had collection boxes and the battle was on for the Rendle Crang Shield which is awarded to the School raising the highest total. This year the Shield has been won by the Grove School where the pupils and teachers raised over £230. Remembrance Services were held on Saturday November 11 and Sunday 12 with local organisations attending to lay wreaths on the War Memorial. The service in St Mary’s Church on the Sunday was well attended and over £400 raised in the collection for the Poppy Appeal.

The Poppy Appeal group is always looking for volunteers to assist in any way. Contact Louise Spencer by email: [email protected] or phone 07725 744529.