Totnes Grows Flax is a community flax growing project co-organised by Transition Town Totnes, Zoe Gilbertson of Liflad CIC and The Flax Project, Plymouth.
Inspired by a Swedish project and Zoe’s recent Churchill Fellowship report, interested people of Totnes and the surrounding area, will be growing flax this summer in their gardens, allotments or spare patches of land.
The community will come together to process their flax in a celebratory event in the Autumn.
Zoe Gilbertson is a fashion designer and educator based in Totnes.
A recent Churchill Fellowship took her on a journey exploring Europe looking for small-scale machinery and cooperative methods that would support the production of flax and hemp.
Zoe will be joined by Vicky Putler, an experienced flax grower from Plymouth.
The flax plant, also called Linum usitatissimum, which means ‘most useful’ can make food, textiles (linen), building materials and many other practical items that can help replace plastic and reduce our reliance on items made overseas.
Paul Bradbury of Incredible Edibles Totnes said “it is brilliant that this project is bringing back flax growing to the area, flax is a lovely plant that can help biodiversity and provides many different uses such as oil, flooring (lino) and textiles”.
Zoe Gilbertson of Liflad CIC said “I’m so excited to be beginning this journey towards local production of useful materials. People know the value of local food but don’t always think of the other daily items such as clothing that we depend upon”.
The event is April 4 between 11.30am and 12.30pm at Totnes Civic Hall.
Zoe and Vicky will provide an overview of the project and FAQs.
Free seeds will be provided along with guidance throughout the process.
All you need is a deep container or a small area of ground free of weeds with good soil.
To sign-up by April 3 visit: