Temples Old, Temples New is a series of Christian events.

There will be refreshments, worship, prayer and fellowship.

On Saturday September 26 between 8am to 9.30pm there is a prayer breakfast at Kingsbridge Methodist Church (£6 contribution)

On Friday October 4 between 7pm and 8.30pm there is Session 1 called New Beginnings at Kingsbridge Methodist Church.

and on Saturday October 5 at 9.30am there is Session 2 called Desert and the City

at 11.30am there is a Workshop by Helen ‘Understanding Biblical Violence’ at South Hams Christian Fellowship.

1pm Lunch

2.15pm to 4.30pm Session 3 The Temple Today

On Sunday October 6 between 10.30am and 12.00pm there is a morning service which includes Session 4 The Living Temple at Kingsbridge Family Church..

Registration forms and further details for the Prayer Breakfast are available from the Rev John Corrie at: [email protected]