The head of South West Water (SWW) will forego her bonus this year as thousands of residents continue to boil their tap supply more than a month after the parasite outbreak.

It is the second year in a row that CEO Susan Davy waives her bonus, which this year would have amounted to £237,000.

However, it has also emerged that she has been awarded a pay increase of more than £300,000 by SWW’s owner, Pennon Group.

Ms Davy had been due to appear before a parliamentary committee earlier this month to explain her handing of the crisis, but the meeting was postponed due to the general election.

Meanwhile, SWW has issued an update, notifying 21 households that they no longer need to boil their tap water. Meanwhile, SWW issued an update on the cryptosporidium parasite on Thursday (June 13), notifying customers in the Hillhead, upper parts of Brixham and Kingswear that the firm is preparing “for a phased approach to lifting boil water notices”, although it did not specify when.

SWW has also announced that it will be increasing compensation to £265 and that it will continue delivering bottled water until the boil notice is lifted.