The new owner of The Brownston Gallery in Modbury, Aimie Freeston, is looking forward to hosting The South West Academy Spring Exhibition at the Brownston Gallery in Modbury. Aimee says, "I am thrilled to be starting my time at the gallery by bringing together an eclectic collection of talented artists from the Academy.

I am captivated by their work which truly celebrates the beauty and vitality of Spring, from varied and stunning landscapes of the South West to exotic influences from as far away as India.

Jo Dixon - Flypast small
Jo Dixon - Flypast small (Jo Dixon)

I am also very much looking forward to meeting the gallery's many long-standing customers and welcoming new visitors, who I know will appreciate the high standard of work."

The gallery has had a long relationship with the South West Academy of Fine and Applied Arts, a registered charity dedicated to advancing the creation and appreciation of art in the South West of Britain.

The Spring Exhibition traditionally features artwork by six Academicians and also a few pieces by the winner of The Brownston Award which is presented to one of the artists exhibiting at their annual Open Exhibition held in the Autumn.

This year's prize winner, Rebecca Barnard, will have her award winning painting on display alongside two others at the exhibition.

Karen Popham gateway-moor small
Karen Popham gateway-moor small (Karen Popham )

The Academicians exhibiting this year are Ray Balkwill, Sam Boughton, Ken Cosgrove, Phil Creek, Jo Dixon and Karen Popham.

Each artist has their own unique, distinctive style and their work, with the exception of Jo Dixon's paintings depicting life in India, are inspired and influenced by the region's stunning landscape and scenery.

The impressive collection of artwork in the exhibition all resonate warmth, the promise of sunshine and the welcoming of Spring.

The exhibition runs from March 21 to April 26.