Misty James and her mother Amanda are planning a skydive in memory of Amanda’s partner Simon.

Misty takes up the story: “Simon was one of life’s main characters.

“He loved his life and was the most caring loving bubbly soul.

“Simon would help anyone with anything, he loved the water, being out on his boat the warm sunny days and being sociable with his friends.

Simon was loved by so many and his love for my mum Amanda was like no other.

“On January 3 our lives turned upside down when Simon got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

“Simon spent nine days in hospital and we got told we would be very lucky to have a year left with him.

“Simon wanted one last summer out on his boat and doing the things he loved, but we sadly didn’t get that.

“Simon became extremely unwell and on the January 19, on his 68th birthday.

“He had a driver fitted in his arm to make him as comfortable as possible.

“Myself mum and Simon’s son James cared for Simon on end of life care at home until the very end.

“Simon passed away at home with us all around him on the January 23, just 20 days after diagnosis.

“As you can imagine 20 days is just no time to process it all and Simon’s passing has left a massive hole in all our hearts.’

The pair wanted to do something in Simon’s memory as Misty added:

“Me and mum are pushing ourself well out of our comfort zone and will be doing a sky dive on May 19 to raise money for pancreatic cancer.

“We truly believe it needs more funding and research.

“Anyone that knows me and mum would no we are petrified of heights

“The skydive is paid for so all money raised will be going to Pancreatic Cancer UK.”

Pancreatic cancer arises when cells in the pancreas a glandular organ behind the stomach, begin to multiply out of control and form a mass.

These cancerous cells have the ability to invade other parts of the body.

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