The deadline for the Salcombe Community Economic Plan (CEP) has been extended to allow residents to help shape the town's future. Businesses in Salcombe are currently completing the survey as part of the CEP project, aimed at improving the town and its economy. The survey has already generated a significant number of responses, but more are needed.

The consultation is being led by the Town Steering Group, which is launching a final push to encourage residents, second homeowners, and businesses to have their say in the project's last few weeks. The feedback will be used to develop a community economic plan for the town, led by South Hams District Council, to support the local economy.

It is hoped that the plan will create a clear vision for Salcombe, helping attract future funding opportunities while fostering economic and business growth.

The feedback will also help identify and create short, medium, and long-term projects that will benefit the area. Devon is one of the main tourist destinations in the country, with tourism and heritage alone adding significant value to the local economy.

Salcombe is a prime example of a coastal town, a rural community, and a tourist destination with a unique set of independent shops, historic buildings, an estuary, and a coastline. South Hams District Council aims to help the town develop in a way that supports its distinctive character and those living and working there.

The plan will build on the work already being done as part of the Neighbourhood Plan, attracting people to live and work in the community, and supporting businesses that need a skilled local workforce.

A spokesperson for the Town Steering Group said: "The Community Economic Plan will build on the work already being done as part of the Neighbourhood Plan, attracting people to live and work in the community, as well as supporting businesses that need a skilled local workforce.

It is so important that communities work together to set aspirations that reflect what residents and businesses want and to utilise the local environment to help their towns flourish. Salcombe has been offered this opportunity, along with other towns in the district, to create a unique plan. It will not only support business growth and sustainable development but will also help tap into funding when it becomes available."

If you live, work, or own a second home in Salcombe, Malborough, or East Portlemouth, visit to have your say and shape the town's future.