‘SE50 – An activity book full of 50 things to do in Salcombe’ has just been published by Salcombe Maritime Museum in collaboration with Salcombe C of E Primary School and The Young Salcombe Centre.

The children thoroughly enjoyed finding their names, ideas and drawings.

Roger Barrett, Chairman of Salcombe Maritime Museum, who presented each year group and the library with their own copy, said ‘we are delighted with the book; it exceeded our expectations.

It was great that the children helped to create the new book and lovely to see them eagerly thumbing through it’.

It all started with a ‘Kids in Museums’ Day in November 2022, which focused on wellbeing. Chrissy Milton, trustee and the museum’s Education officer, who co-ordinated and lead the day, organised a whole school visit to the museum and asked the children to think about what they most loved about their town; to find an item in the museum which linked to this, or simply find an item they really liked.

They came up with many excellent ideas. So much so that Museum decided to put together a booklet of the best 50 things to celebrate its 50th anniversary - which is this year, 2024.

The Young Salcombe Centre organised regular after school sessions in the Museum, throughout the winter of 2023/24 to help illustrate some of the activities.

The book couldn’t have completed without the creative vision and skills of Simon Roberts, who generously gave his time to put all these ideas, photographs and artwork for the final creation of ‘SE50’.

The book is available from Ashby’s of Salcombe, Harbour Bookshop, Kingsbridge, Salcombe Information Centre, The Winking Prawn, Posh Hampers in Salcombe, Amazon or via the museum’s website atwww.salcombemuseum.org.uk/shop/.

All proceeds wil be shared between the Museum, the Primary School and the The Young Salcombe Centre.