Dartmouth Rotary Club has been nationally recognised for the 'fantastic' funds it has donated to ShelterBox. From 2023 to 2024, the club raised £4,000, earning it the Silver Partner Club Award from the disaster relief charity.

The club was presented with the award in recognition of its 'outstanding support' to help ensure that no one is left without shelter after a disaster. During the Rotary year, money has gone to projects as far away as Gaza, Morocco, and Libya.

Sanj Srikanthan, CEO of ShelterBox, said: “Thank you on behalf of ShelterBox and the people who will be able to recover and rebuild as a result of your ongoing partnership.”

Dartmouth Rotary raised more than £12,000 over the 12 months, with 50 per cent going to local causes and £5,700 helping international appeals. This included £4,000 to ShelterBox, with £1,725 earmarked for Gaza and the remainder to alleviate other disasters worldwide.

Dartmouth Rotary’s International Chairman Peter Goldstraw said the club had also supported other rescue efforts, working with Care International UK after the earthquake in Morocco, along with the Red Crescent and the Red Cross, helping flood survivors in Libya.

Further donations have been made to the disability healthcare charity IMPACT Foundation and Mercy Ships, which helps to provide free surgeries to children in need.

ShelterBox Rotary Marketing Manager, John Cleverley, added: “Thank you again for all of your fantastic efforts this year down in Dartmouth. You very much deserve this award to become a Silver Partner Club.

“As a celebration of all your activities in the past Rotary year, I wanted to offer my thanks on behalf of ShelterBox for the amazing fundraising that you have carried out with your community and as a club.

“To say thank you and to acknowledge the efforts of clubs, we award Partner Clubs certificates each year. It’s only thanks to generous individuals and clubs such as yourselves that we can make the necessary commitment to supporting communities as they recover and rebuild their lives.”