The Deputy Lord Lieutenant Rear Admiral Chris Snow CBE and PC Trevor Taylor visited Salcombe this week to hear Mayor Councillor Mrs Nikki Turton read the proclamation confirming King Charles III as our new Monarch.
Early Monday Morning Mayor Cllr Mrs Turton attended South Hams District Councils' reading and then brought the news back to Salcombe as it would have been imparted 'back in the day, 'although not on horseback' Mayor Turton Commented.

Dignitaries and members of the public then assembled at the steps of the Council Hall in Salcombe to hear Town Mayor Mrs Nikki Turton, read the proclamation.
In attendance was The Deputy Lord Lieutenant Rear Admiral Chris Snow CBE, who led a rendition of God Save The King.
More than 80 people attended the reading of the proclamation.
Mayor Cllr Mrs Turton said: " It was my greatest honour to read the proclamation to Salcombe’s residents and visitors.
"To have played even this small role and be part of our country’s history is an enormous privilege, and on behalf of Salcombe I wish His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty The Queen Consort a very happy and fulfilling reign.”