Ivybridge has a new town crier - but concern has been raised that he might be too noisy or even inappropriate.

At a meeting of the town council Cllr Victor Abbott was worried about people being startled by crier Martin Stear He said: “What if the town crier could start by quietly saying ‘oyez, oyez before launching in with the bell?”

Another councillor was worried about blind people being shocked but another said this would happen to them with any unexpected loud noise.

Cllr Tony Rea was against having a town crier at all. saying: “Ivybridge is a modern town and this goes against that modernity.

“Having someone dressed in medieval costume is inappropriate.”

Health and Safety hasn’t been overlooked for the role with a risk assessment carried out, together with instructions for operations and a lone working method statement.

Cllr Matt Steele said: “As a business owner in the town I think it’s great. It adds a little bit of extra excitement.

“I’ve seen him come down a couple of times for the Summer Festival and for D-Day and people love it.

“We shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously. We should have a bit of fun.”

Town criers originally date back to medieval times.

They were used to make public announcements in the streets.

Criers often dress elaborately thanks to a tradition dating back to the 18th century, sometimes wearing a red and gold coat, white breeches, black boots and a tricorne hat.