Overnight road closures will be needed for an extensive resurfacing scheme on the A3122 near Blackawton in September.

The road at Collaton Down will be reconstructed between Halwell Cross and Collaton Cross during overnight closures from Monday 2 to Friday September 20.

On the first evening closure, due to the paddle steamer cruises in Dartmouth on Monday September 2, the road will be closed from midnight until 6am.

All of the other closures will be on weekday evenings from 7pm until 6am.

The official diversion will be signed via the A3122, A381, A379 Kingsbridge, Torcross, Stoke Fleming, A3122.

When the surface or sub-surface layers of the road have deteriorated to a point that they need to be replaced, Devon County Council removes the existing layer and lay a new surface.

This is expensive, but will normally last at least 15 years.

If the weather affects the resurfacing process, they may have to reschedule the work.