LEN MOORE, of Kellaton, near Kingsbridge, writes:

I attended to No to Wind Turbines South of the Kingsbridge-Torcross Road public meeting at South Pool village hall with a raft of reasons why the turbine should not be located between Cousins Cross and Chivelstone Cross, but came away convinced the application should be approved.

An excellent presentation was made on behalf of the AONB and a local resident explained how it was formed in cooperation with the farming community.

It was quickly apparent the farmer responsible for the application had discussed the carefully chosen location with local residents, and great care was being taken to minimise any damage to the landscape value of the AONB.

The Government has to provide green power and although not a fan of wind turbines as a solution, I believe we are obliged to do our bit.

The turbine is to be 85ft tall, about the height of 14 people stood on top of each other.

There is already a turbine at Prawle, setting a precedent.

My brother-in-law has an 11kw turbine in Dorset and advises me that the design he is using is virtually silent.

I also concluded that because of the location chosen for the turbine, flicker effect from it will be of no consequence.

A presentation was made pointing out that turbine was in the migration path of birds and possibly some kind of bat.

We were advised that the turbine at Prawle has never killed any wildlife.

I have decided therefore that this is not an issue, compared to the peregrine falcons at Start Point.

A case was made that it would have an adverse effect on tourism, are we were led to believe that the wind farm in Cornwall is stopping people going to the county for their holidays. Let's get real!

I suspect if this turbine had been erected 100 years ago a preservation order would be issued to prevent its removal.