Martyn Norsworthy of Norsworthy Photography has once again been pre-selected for publication in the One Eyeland Best of the Best Photographers Year book.

For Martyn this is the fourth year in succession that he has been pre-selected for inclusion.

In a recent email from one Eyeland, Martyn has been told that only the top two per cent of their members have made the cut.

A spokesperson said: “We ship the books worldwide for free to the top 500 companies comprising:

advertising agencies, creative directors, art directors, art producers and art buyers

publications, B/W, fine art, fashion, wedding, landscape and art magazines editors.

photo galleries, art curators, photo reps, agents.

“We also promote the book online via digital ads on social media to an audience of about 1,500,000 people”

One Eyeland is described as the best photo sharing site around that features top photographers and famous photography.

A spokesperson said: “Our curated gallery of images spans a multitude of photography disciplines that include commercial, advertising, fashion, automotive, product, portraits, beauty, landscape and much more.

“Our photo sharing site features the best highlights like Picture Of The Day, Picture Of The Week, Photographer Of The Week and Photographer Of The Month.

“With over 148,400+ active members, more than 6,800+ featured photographers and 343,700+ submitted photos, you'll always have something to discover on our site.”

With over 148,400 Photographers in the group, Martyn is thrilled to be in the top two per cent chosen to be published.