LOUD bangs echoed across Totnes yesterday evening, as local firefighter crews battled to get a large garden fire under control.
The fire, which reportedly started around 5pm, closed the A381 Western By-Pass in both directions, from Dartington turn off to Redworth Junction. Motorists could see the fire catching onto the surrounding trees in from the road.

The fire was caused by a large garden structure setting alight, while the bangs came from the gas canisters that were stored in the building.
Kingsbridge Hill was also closed for a number of hours after white asbestos was spread onto the road by the fire. Witnesses report seeing several individuals in hazmat suits working to decontaminate the area.
Fire crews from Buckfastleigh, Paignton and Newton Abbot came into the town to help tackle the blaze.

A spokesperson from Buckfastleigh Fire Station said: 'Yesterday at 17:31 we were called to a large garden structure fire which was well alight in Totnes, on arrival crews shipped a hydrant to provide water to the Paignton appliance which was already in attendance.

'Crews used a 51mm jet and a hose reel jet to extinguish the the fire and cool two patio gas cylinders within.

'Our crews were then decontaminated by our colleagues from Newton Abbot Fire Station using the environment protection unit before returning home at approximately 9pm.'
Firefighters also came to the aid of an unfortunate pigeon, that had become caught up in the fire after surrounding trees were set alight.

Firefighters were widely praised across social media for their speed and efficiency in getting the fire under control.
No one was reported injured and the incident is being considered as non-suspicious.