Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey visited the South Devon constituency with the party looking forward to a resurgence in the West Country after the election.

He built sand castles on Broadsands Beach - with South Devon parliamentary candidate Caroline Voaden no doubt hoping her election campaign wasbuilt on firmer foundations.

This was Ed's second visit to Devon in a week and a spokesperson from the party said this is a clear indication of how seriously the Liberal Democrats are taking the West Country, following two by-election wins in Somerton and Frome, and Tiverton and Honiton, over the past couple of years.

Caroline Voaden said: "It was great to welcome Ed to South Devon and to have some fun on the beach.

“But there are serious policies to highlight including the scandal of sewage releases into our sea and rivers, the problems our hospitality businesses are having with recruiting staff and of course the cost of living.

"The Liberal Democrats are pushing for an expansion of Rural Fuel Duty Relief to include more of Devon to help those who are bearing the brunt of higher fuel prices"

"I can't wait to get to Westminster to work with my party on getting a fairer deal for the people of South Devon."

The party did well in the local elections.

Sir Ed’s has appeared on television showing his life as a carer, first for his mother and then for his disabled son.

He has put health and social care centre stage in the party’s manifesto.