Mrs D Buckland, of Fordworth Cottages, Hallsands, writes:

I would like to remind readers that this is a particularly vunerable time for all sheep farmers. We have many young lambs with their mothers in fields alongside the public pathways where people can walk their dogs.

Over the Easter weekend, we had two lambs attacked because a young dog was walked off its lead on a public footpath. The owners had no realisation that their dog could access the field where the lambs were.

Thanks to the locals in South Pool, in particular Chris and John Milne and Barbara and also other villagers, a vet was called and the lambs seem to be surviving, despite very badly mauled.

I would also like to say that the owners of the dogs were equally devastated by the event and paid for the vet to come to treat the lambs.

All dog owners need to keep their pets on leads at all times when there is livestock nearby.