Sheila is an 80 year-old, well-travelled lady who was visiting friends for lunch when she was involved in a road traffic collision.

She experienced multiple injuries including several fractures requiring trauma support in the new Major Trauma Ward at Derriford Hospital.

Sheila shared her story as a result of the Tertiary Trauma Survey.

Catie Crisp and Chris Knight, Major Trauma Advanced Clinical Practitioners, explained to the Board what this is: “It is not a questionnaire, it is a thorough head-to-toe and front-to-back examination and review of investigations within 24 hours once the patient has been stabilised.

“It is the third survey that a trauma patient has.

“The patient will already have had a rapid A-E assessment in the emergency department to identify and treat life and limb-threatening injuries and an in-depth head-to-toe examination to identify any significant injuries once the primary survey +/- trauma CT scan has been completed.”

The Tertiary Trauma Survey can take an hour to complete, and it helps to prevent missed injuries.

Missed injuries can cause pain, infection, immobility, prolonged stay in hospital, delays to rehabilitation and death.

Even CT scans can miss injuries.

The survey can also provide a chance to catch up and coordinate management plans.

Around 90 per cent of patients at Derriford Hospital receive a Tertiary Trauma Survey, and 11 per cent of these find a missed injury—often on hands and feet, as in Sheila’s case. This is part of the continued development of the Major Trauma Service and Major Trauma Ward to holistically meet the complex physical and psychosocial needs of patients.

The Board thanked Sheila for sharing her experience, noting she had, had a tough time and Chris and Catie for their work and sharing their expertise.