Over the past few years the Kingsbridge in Bloom planting displays have grown in number throughout the town and to keep everywhere attractive, it is essential that they can maintain them so that they look their best.

The group is looking for anyone who can volunteer a little time to help with watering.

Chairman of KIB Graham Price said: “The KIB group have been very busy maintaining and planting over the past few weeks in preparation for our South West in Bloom judging in July.

“I am waiting for judges confirmation and have suggested Wednesday July 17.

“Our new displays celebrating the 60th anniversary of The RHS Britain in Bloom campaign and the 200th anniversary of the RNLI are almost complete but we still have much work to do throughout the town.

“Our ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ areas are looking really good and I am confident that they will receive the recognition they deserve.

“Behind the scenes our portfolio is progressing well and signage should be completed in the next week or so.

“Over the past few months members have worked hard to make up for the time lost due to the poor weather and are now back on track to face the next challenging but enjoyable few weeks.”

Kingsbridge excelled in last year’s South West Region RHS Britain in Bloom competition winning not only a gold certificate but were also awarded Champion of Champions for small villages and towns.

To get in touch with the group you can visit the website: https://www.kingsbridgeinbloom.co.uk/