The Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society is pleased to announce that the Loddiswell Show will return for its 100th show.

Taking place on Saturday, August 3, on the Loddiswell Playing Field, the main attraction this year will be The Dartmoor Hill Ponies Display Team, who will perform and showcase their "daring and skilful" riding for visitors to enjoy.

Organisers say they are hoping to provide a "fun-filled" afternoon which will cater to everyone.

There will be entertainment, stalls, games, children's sports, and a bouncy castle.

Elfric the Juggler will also be on hand to provide entertainment.

Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society
Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society (Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society )
Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society
Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society (Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society )
Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society
Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society (Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society )
Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society
(Loddiswell Show returns - Loddiswell Horticultural and Sports Society )

There will be displays from the Wheelchair Rugby team and Kingsbridge Gym Club.

Regulars to the show, the Vintage and Classic Cars Club, will parade around the grounds, and motorcycles and tractors will be on display.

The much-loved Dog Show will return this year, as well as "The Loddiswell Mile", which has always been a hit with children and adults alike. The Show’s challenging Tug of War, a well-supported event, is also returning.

There will be several stalls and entertainment around the Playing Field to keep visitors entertained throughout the day.

A light lunch and tea will be available in the marquee, as well as a raffle. A separate event will take place at 7:30 pm in the large marquee with entertainment from Dodgy Practice, a local group playing popular songs and music suitable for all ages. A food stall and bar will be available.

A spokesperson for the The Show said: "We look forward to welcoming everyone to this special centenary event."