The Friends of the Redfern Centre held a cream tea at the Cottage Hotel on Sunday, July 27 to raise funds for the health centre.

FORC is the patient’s group of Salcombe Health Centre, and this is the fourth year the cream tea has been run.

About 70 people attended to enjoy delicious cream teas supplied by the hotel and try their luck in the raffle, which had a record number of excellent prizes generously donated.

Games, cake and book stalls also did a busy trade and the afternoon made a total profit of about £676.

However, Ted and Christine Turner made a very generous donation to take the final total up to £1,000, for which FORC are most grateful.

On behalf of the health centre, Dr Peter Roberts thanked everyone on the FORC committee for their continued efforts; the Cottage Hotel for their generous support and everyone who helped out before and on the day and, of course, those who attended.

Once again, it was obvious from the comments received during the afternoon that patients registered at the health centre hold it in high esteem and spoke with gratitude of the superior service provided by its doctors and staff.

The money raised will all go towards purchasing extra equipment and facilities for the benefit of patients.