The close of nominations for the general election on July 4 was 4pm on Friday June 7 and there were six candidates for South Devon (previously Totnes) and eight for South West Devon.

In South Devon the candidates are Anthony Mangnall (Conservative), Caroline Voaden (Liberal Democrats), Daniel Steel (Labour), Michael Bagley (Reform UK), Robert Bagnall (Green) and Becca Collings (Heritage).

Meanwhile in South West Devon the candidates are Rebecca Smith (Conservative), Sarah Allen (Labour), Julian Brazil (Liberal Democrats), Stephen Horner (Reform UK), Lauren McLay (Green), Ben Davy (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) Darryl Ingram (Heritage) and Alan Spencer (Independent).

The United Kingdom is currently divided into 650 parliamentary constituencies. One Member of Parliament (MP) in the House of Commons represents a single constituency.

Constituency boundaries in the UK have changed. A new set of boundaries for Westminster constituencies is being used for the 2024 UK general election.

The boundaries are reviewed periodically to make sure that constituencies are all roughly a similar size and respect local ties between areas.

They published their final recommendations in June 2023.

The Boundary Commission for England has reviewed the constituency boundaries and those are being used in this election.

South Devon now includes places such as Aveton Gifford, Bigbury and Modbury while South West Devon has pushed up into Dartmoor at Yelverton, Meavy and Horrabridge.

In the South West as a whole there are 58 seats and 385 candidates meaning an average of 6.6 candidates fighting each seat.

Next week we will have potted profiles of all the candidates.