A FORMER Devon and Cornwall Police officer has been found culpable of gross misconduct after he received an Adult Police Caution for common assault by beating.

Acting Chief Constable Jim Colwell held an Accelerated Misconduct Hearing on June 19, where he concluded that the officer would have been dismissed without notice, had he still been serving.

His details have been submitted to the College of Policing Barred List.

Former Police Constable Paul Barratt received an Adult Police Caution in August 2023, after it was alleged that he had assaulted a detainee that he was supervising while in hospital.

Police received a report in June 2023 and the officer was arrested and later released on bail.

In August he admitted the offence and received a caution.

He resigned from the force in February 2024, while under investigation for gross misconduct.

A/CC Colwell concluded that the officers’ actions “departed severely” from the expected standards of behaviour.

He said: “The unlawful use of violence by a police officer, either on or off duty, is entirely inconsistent with the expectation clearly held by the public in terms of how an officer should conduct themselves.”

He added: “Assaulting the detainee in such a way as has been proven here, goes against everything the public, and indeed I would expect to occur in such circumstances, and such conduct has quite rightly been highlighted, challenged and fully investigated.”

Temporary Deputy Chief Constable Dave Thorne said: “We expect all officers and staff to conduct themselves in line with the Code of Ethics and Standards of Behaviour. Former PC Barratt has been found culpable of not aligning with those standards and the only suitable outcome would have been dismissal.

“Ensuring the highest standards and ethics within the Force remains a top priority and the public can be assured that any wrongdoing or unacceptable behaviour such as this will be subject to robust action.”

The full outcome of the hearing can be read here: Former PC Paul Barratt | Devon & Cornwall Police (devon-cornwall.police.uk) .

Anyone can report any concerns directly to Devon & Cornwall Police by calling 101, visiting the Force website or emailing: [email protected] .

Alternatively members of the public can contact the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) – details of which can be found via the website: www.policeconduct.gov.uk .

You can also report matters to the Police Anti-Corruption and Abuse Reporting Service, which is run by the independent charity Crimestoppers.

Crimestoppers can take reports from the public about individuals working within Devon and Cornwall Police, as well as any police force in the UK, regardless of whether the information relates to them whilst they are on or off duty, online or in person. Reports can be submitted online and telephone calls are free. Information received by Crimestoppers will be passed to the Force’s Counter Corruption Unit, who will assess it.

You can contact the new service by calling 0800 085 0000  or via the  Crimestoppers' website  to provide information you have about a serving police officer, staff member or volunteer in the UK.