THEY are the backbone of many a good organisation.

They are, of course, volunteers, and on Wednesday Dartmouth Tourist Information Centre said thank-you to theirs.

A special tea party was held upstairs at the Angel, sponsored by TIC director Hilary Bastone.

A team of 17 dedicated volunteers keep the TIC running – with three newcomers recruited in the last week.

Chairman Angie Cairns-Sharp said: ‘Dartmouth does seem to run on volunteers and the TIC is no different.

‘Our volunteers provide a fantastic welcome and market the town as a whole, providing inspiration and information so visitors make the most of their time in Dartmouth and surrounding area, whether they are here for a few hours, a few days, or a fortnight. We couldn’t run the centre without them’.

Mrs Cairns-Sharp said the TIC still faced challenges and the not for profit company relied on the support of businesses in the months ahead.

The tea party coincided with Volunteers’ Week, an annual celebration of the contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK.