The Local Government Association (LGA) says it is crucial that funding support is extended after the Institute of Fiscal Studies published reports that hundreds of thousands of people have been pushed into poverty.

The LGA is urging the Government to extend the Household Support fund after a new report by the IFS says that 320,000 people have been pushed into poverty due to the rise in mortgage interest rates.

Cllr Pete Marland, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Economy and Resources Board, said: “High housing costs are closely associated with poverty, and councils want to continue to support residents who are struggling with the cost of living as much as possible.

“The Household Support Fund provides a vital safety net for vulnerable households struggling to buy food, heat their home and afford essentials. With the fund due to expire at the end of September, an extension is crucial to continue support for residents through winter.

“Longer-term, councils want to shift away from short term, crisis support so they can instead invest in preventative services which improve people’s financial resilience and life chances, underpinned by a sufficiently-resourced national welfare system.”

The Household support fund is aimed at anyone who’s vulnerable or cannot pay for essentials. You do not have to be getting benefits to get help from your local council.

If you are struggling with the cost of living, you can apply for the Household support fund from South Hams District Council by visiting their website and filling out the application form.