Sophie and Lawrence Weeks have succeeded in scaling the heights of Mount Kilimanjaro on their honeymoon to raise funds for the Fire Fighter’s Charity.

Sophie, who is a Modbury firefighter, posted on Facebook: “It was the hardest challenge myself and Lawrence have ever, and probably will ever, put ourselves through.

“Our six-day expedition had to be altered to seven days on the mountain as we both suffered badly from altitude sickness. Lawrence was close to being rushed off the mountain on day three.

“It’s safe to say that Mount Kilimanjaro seriously tried to kick our butts, however we fought through, gave it our all and eventually the mountain decided to accept us.

‘We made it to the summit on Saturday morning at around 7am after a long night of walking in tough conditions, followed by another seven to eight hours the next day having not slept since Thursday night.”

The couple are close to reaching their target of £400.