South Hams District Council’s Executive has set out the Council’s priorities for the next four years in response to the challenges and opportunities faced by communities across the District.

Today ( Thursday January 25), the Executive considered The Council Plan 2024-2028 and its supporting Year 1 delivery plan.

It recommended that Council should adopt both plans and approve the funding needed to deliver them.

The Council Plan includes four key policy areas to tackle the housing challenges, address climate change and biodiversity loss, support the economy and deliver good quality services to our communities.

The plan is funded by an investment of £4.59m. This is made up of £1m of money released from reserves and capital schemes that are no longer needed together with £3.59m from the realignment of core budgets and government grants such as the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

To complement the housing priorities in The Council Plan, The Executive also approved a specific action plan focused on Housing and Homelessness prevention.

The focus for the next twelve months includes working with partners and communities to create good quality, genuinely affordable, energy efficient housing and making the best use of housing that already exists.

Another of the Council’s key priorities is to do all it can to respond to Climate change and Biodiversity loss .

It will do this through supporting changes to agricultural practices and decarbonisation of the marine economy. Another key project is to work with the agriculture sector to develop a ‘keep it local’ scheme to promote local produce and reduce food miles.

Working with businesses and partner organisation will also be key to achieving the Council’s ambition to support a thriving and resilient economy. One of the key ways it intends to do this it by working with each of the districts Towns to support the delivery of town plans focused on local priorities.

The community services the Council Delivers is also a key priority. It has pledged in The Council Plan to deliver effective frontline services that address consider the environment and enhance the wellbeing of communities across South Hams.

These four priorities will be underpinned by providing good quality core council services. The Council will do this by working closer with our communities, improving customers access to services, making sure it is financially sustainable and putting the right governance in place.

Cllr Julian Brazil, Leader of South Hams District Council, said: “The proposals approved by the Executive reflect a well-rounded and sensible approach to the challenges of housing, climate change, our economy and community support, confirming our dedication to enhancing the quality of life for all residents.

“As a committee, we have a very practical viewpoint for sustainable growth and a community-focused future. Our ongoing commitment to our Council Plan, together with transparency, accountability, and strategic financial management will undoubtedly propel the District toward our goals.

“We’re showing we’re being proactive and we’re trying to provide our residents with what they have asked us for.

That’s what we’re working towards every single day.”

To find out more information on each of the reports discussed during Executive, go to:

The meeting can be viewed in full on South Hams District Council’s YouTube channel: