Cornwood and Lutton

Kit Manning | [email protected]

Fewer people than usual attended the annual Harvest Festival Service in our Church, but those who did go enjoyed singing traditional harvest thanksgiving hymns, in the midst of beautiful, autumnal floral arrangements - bright splashes of colour enhancing the building. Afterwards, all sat down at tables attractively laid up at the back of the Church and enjoyed a delicious hot supper, followed by a very tempting array of desserts, all generously produced by members of the congregation. The collection that evening was shared with the Shekinah Mission in Plymouth, whilst the School children’s harvest gifts of packs and tins of food (presented at their Service earlier in the day) were taken to the Food Bank in Ivybridge.

Our annual Apple Pressing day took place on the 6th of this month; however, it didn’t go exactly according to plan because, as it so often does - the weather intervened! Actually, it wasn’t just the weather, but also the fact that there was a decided lack of apples on the trees in our Community Orchard this year, which prompted the organising team to change the venue from there, inviting those people with their own apples to take them to the Cornwood Inn car park for the pressing instead. All well and good…until mid morning of the day in question, when the weather forecast was for a 100% chance of heavy rain between the allocated hours of 1:30 - 3:30pm!

So, plan C! The event was moved again - this time to a barn on a local farm, where at least those involved would be under cover. A space was cleared, the scatter, press and tea urn (most important, the latter) set up and the few apples begged from friends and neighbours amalgamated…but then, despite the torrential conditions, about 20 local people arrived clutching plastic bottles (as instructed) and, thankfully, lots more apples.

They set about sorting, washing, scattering and pressing the fruit and before long they’d filled 25 x 1 litre bottles with apple juice, potential cider, to be drunk at the New Year’s Wassail event. After all that work it was time for some well deserved refreshments - tea and apple cake and as the workers tucked in, the rain began to ease…

Following an appeal to the Highways Authority, the majority of roads in the Parish have recently had their white lines repainted. As Autumn draws on, the roadside hedges are being cut and our Lengthsman has been busy clearing up surplus vegetation. Cornwood Square now sports a new, three panelled Noticeboard - one for Parish Council use, a second for DNPA information and the third for the Community to use to display posters etc. A Cllr who lives in the Square will take responsibility for removing out of date/inappropriate information.

Aveton Gifford

Rosie Warrillow | 07779290653 or email [email protected]

It’s Arts Trail time again, and over the next couple of weeks, 50 artists will be exhibiting at various venues across the South Hams. The trail will begin on Saturday, October 12, and continue until Sunday, October 27.

This year’s Arts Trail will feature many new makers working in a variety of disciplines, alongside many returning, much-loved artists who will be showcasing new and exciting works.

Here in Aveton Gifford, three artists will be exhibiting at 17 Icy Park. Local artist Lucy Cassidy will exhibit from her home, alongside fellow artists Ruth Mary Churchill and Ella Jones.

Lucy will display her exquisite collage art, a fusion of vintage fabric and decorative objects.

Ruth will showcase quirky ink drawings full of fun and character, while Ella will feature contemporary quilts and textile art inspired by landscapes. It all sounds very exciting, and I can’t wait to visit!

Further details can be found on the South Hams website, and many Aveton Gifford-based artists will be featured in the brochure, which can be downloaded or picked up from locations such as Kingsbridge Library. The website is

In other news, it’s Quiz Night at the Fisherman’s Rest this Thursday, October 17, starting at 7.30 pm. Teams can have up to four members, and you can name your team anything you like—just be there in time to register. Good luck and have fun!

Although January seems far away, the Aveton Gifford Film Festival is set to take place then, so now’s the time to start preparing and shooting your films! The films can be up to five minutes long and must be suitable for family viewing. There will be adult and junior categories, with prizes to be won. Something to look forward to on those long winter evenings.

St Andrew’s Church will hold a Holy Communion service this Sunday at 11 am, led by Rev Ollie Long. All are welcome, and refreshments will be served after the service.

Last Sunday, Mission Partners Eric and Sandra Read visited and updated us on their farming project in the Philippines. Eric gave an insightful talk on the various activities taking place on the farm, particularly how local youngsters have been involved in the work of the churches. It was lovely to see them and enjoy their company.