The award winning charity Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm is inviting the community to join its Open Garden event.

It’s on this Sunday, June 23, from 2 pm to 5 pm at Gnaton Hall in Yealmpton.

There will be refreshments and the chance to meet the team to learn more about their work.

DFPY was recently named the joint winner of the Community Organisation Award in the South Hams Community Awards 2023.

The award was presented by the outgoing Chairman of SHDC, Cllr Guy Pannell, to Liz Hitchins, Charmain of the Charity and Claire Puckey, Community Development lead.

Cllr Caroline Adams from Newton and Noss Parish Council, who nominated the charity, also attended the ceremony.

The award citation praised the charity for its work, stating: "At one time, a diagnosis of dementia meant a life of increasing loneliness and isolation, both for the person living with dementia and their carers, usually partners or family members. Now, our parishioners can remain active and involved in community life, enjoying the welcome and friendship offered by DFPY’s popular and inclusive activities and groups.”

“The charity encourages local businesses and organisations to make changes in the way they acknowledge and embrace people and families living with dementia. This unique South Hams charity has been nationally recognised as groundbreaking – helping to banish the stigma of this all too prevalent disease by developing a strong dementia-friendly community that offers plenty of support.

Liz Hitchins said: "We are very proud to have received this recognition for our important community work.’'