The Kingsbridge foodbank have received a cheque for £2383.02 from the Co-operative’s Local Causes scheme.

The foodbank were presented with the check as part of Co-op’s charity venture, which sees the company helping out local charities around the country, with members being able to choose the local cause they want to support.

The company say of the scheme: “Join Co-op for £1 and choose a local cause to support in your community.” They pledge to “doubl(e) what goes to community organisations and local causes when you buy selected Co-op products and services, and 2p for every £1 spent goes back to you.” The company have raised £117 million through the project so far, “helping 7m people across the UK since 2016.”

In a post on social media, the foodbank said: “we’d like to thank everyone who helped make this happen. It will really help us help others. Thank you”.

The Kingsbridge food bank can really benefit from this donation. Volunteers at the charity aim to reduced poverty in Kingsbridge and the surrounding villages, primarily through the provision of food, hygiene and household products, but also additional services such as assistance and support for those in need, and this money will aid them in continuing this important work.

It is especially important as the cost of living crisis affects households nationwide and locally.