After a short break, on Saturday, September 21, Kingsbridge Rugby Football Club saw the return of the Scrummies’ charity lunch.

Held annually before various events intervened, this glamorous ladies-only luncheon raises money for both the Club and, as per tradition, a local charity – and this year, Kingsbridge Age Concern were the fortunate beneficiary.

Sophia Darke, who organised this year’s luncheon, hopes to see the Scrummies’ Lunch back as a regular fixture on the High House calendar. Over the years it has raised huge amounts of money for its chosen recipients.

This year was no exception as Kingsbridge Age Concern received £548.50, which will be put towards their lifeline Meals on Wheels service for the elderly community in and around Kingsbridge.

Graham Smith, Chairman of Kingsbridge Age Concern, said, "We are always enormously grateful when local groups, clubs and associations name us as their charity beneficiary – not only because of the funds they raise on our behalf but, just as importantly, because it shows that our local community care as passionately as we do about the services and support we provide. We never take donations for granted and every penny will be put to good use."

If you or anyone you know might benefit from the Age Concern Meals on Wheels lunchtime delivery service, give the team a call on 01548 856650 or pop into the Care Hub to learn more.