Graham Smith, longstanding volunteer Chairman of local charity Kingsbridge Age Concern, was delighted to accept a £500 donation recently from the members of Duncombe Lodge.

Graham said: “We are always hugely grateful for donations as, contrary to popular belief, we receive no statutory funding and are completely self-financing. The services we provide are a lifeline to many local people so it is critical we keep going but raising over £100,000 a year to do so is a mammoth task.”

“Every penny will be put to good use and we thank the Duncombe Lodge members most sincerely for their generosity, especially as this is not the first time they have supported us financially.”

To find out more about the charity Kingsbridge Age Concern and all the activities and services on offer at the Care Hub, just pop in and pick up a copy of the latest issue of the Kingsbridge Care Hub News.